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How to Install Garry’s Mod on Windows Server

Garry’s Mod is a sandbox game created by Facepunch Studios. It is also known as GMod. It was first made in 2004 as a mod for Half-Life 2 by Valve Corporation by Garry Newman. It developed into a stand-alone game over time.

Here’s how you can install Garry’s Mod on your Windows server:


Prerequisite for Installation:

  • SteamCMD
  • Port forwarding enable
  • A Steam account (optional) for collection creation


We will install Garry’s Mod Dedicated Server using SteamCMD to ensure you have the most recent build.


Installation of SteamCMD.

  1. Download the installer SteamCMD from the official website SteamCMD Website Download.
  1. After downloading the zip file, make a folder in the desired place.
  1. Extract the downloaded zip file to the the newly created folder.
  1. Go the extracted application and then “Run as Administrator” to launch it.
  1. If the output looks like below, your installation of SteamCMD was successful.


Installation of Garry’s Mod

  1. Login as anonymous on the SteamCMD.
  1. Create a folder on where to put your Garry’s Mod server files.
  1. Proceed to install Garry’s Mod Dedicated Server.
  1. Wait for 100% completion. Display below will show once completed.
  1. Validate once again.
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