Wind Layer Blog

How to Connect to Windows Server with RDP

RDP, which stands for Remote Desktop Protocol, is a protocol used by Windows Server that enables remote desktop connections. You can administer and manage your Windows Server with RDP. There are 3 things needed to login into your server using RDP.

  • IP address of the server
  • Username for RDP access
  • Password for RDP access


How to Use RDP to Login to the Windows

  1. On the Start menu, search for “Remote Desktop Connection”.
  1. Click Open to launch the Remote Desktop Connection.
  1. A Remote Desktop Connection dialogue box will open. Click the Show Options to expand the options.
  1. Enter the IP address on the Computer field and the user on the User name field and then click Connect.
  1. You’ll see a Windows login prompt. Entering your user password, select OK.
  1. If everything is fine. You will now be able to connect to server successfully.
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